Our Values

Our Values

What matters most to us...

We want to be the best we can for our members. We promise to act with honesty, integrity and professionalism.

We bring our passion to the tourist industry whilst working collaboratively with our members to create a

Bannau Brycheiniog / Brecon Beacons National Park that we can all be proud of.

#1 Sustainable Tourism

What does it mean to be sustainable?

How can we help you make greener choices?

"Leaving a place better than we found it."

We want to empower visitors and community residents to make greener choices, whether that is swapping paper for bamboo products, choosing a different energy supplier, or starting an eco lifestyle choice.


We can help support your new green journey!

What is Sustainable Tourism?

'Sustainable tourism' focuses on neutralizing tourism's negative impact on the planet.

We are a network that depends on each other - visitors to the area stay in local accommodation, spend their money eating out at a restaurant, buy a coffee from a high street cafe, take home trinkets bought in our retail shops and go to events at our venues. All these businesses employ local residents.

We are all inter-connected and this means we must work together to make our web stronger and more resilient.

If we can maintain a strong local economy, then that's more money for our local services. A win win!

#2 Bilingualism

The Welsh language holds immense cultural significance and is an integral part of Wales' identity.

We want to demonstrate our dedication to nurturing a supportive environment for those of us actively learning Welsh.


By encouraging bilingualism through our businesses, we can together attract a niche segment of tourists seeking an authentic and immersive experience.

Even a simple greeting like "Bore Da" (good morning) followed by "Good Morning" can provide visitors with a taste of the Welsh language, and witnessing their confidence grow as they greet you with a confident "Bore Da" and a smile is truly heartwarming.

However, its importance goes beyond just the visitor experience. It contributes to the preservation and promotion of the Welsh language, which is crucial for safeguarding the cultural heritage of Wales.  

#3 Wellbeing

Wellbeing is more than a buzzword. It’s actively checking in on our employees and our own mental health as managers. There is a need for creating healthy cultures within the working environment, after all happy staff, happy customers.

We all have bad days, but do you have the support network to get you back on track?

#4 Business Matchmaking

We seek to identify and connect (match) companies and people with common business interests, complementary services, expertise, technologies or business strengths, thus building our collaborative web of tourism and supporting each other in the process.

And more!

Local Suppliers Where Possible

There are a wealth of reasons why sourcing locally can improve your business as well as supporting the greater web of businesses within the National Park.


Shopper demand has driven companies to start thinking about sustainability. Fairtrade sets social, economic and environmental standards for the companies and farmers involved in the supply chain.

Sustainable Print

Sustainable printing is a method that aims to reduce waste, energy consumption, and toxic chemicals while also being economically viable.

Friendly Support

We are here for you.

We are a team of passionate individuals who live, work, and have businesses that rely solely on tourism or indirectly.

We can optimise your business & help with making greener choices

Support you with understanding policies & legislation changes

Network and act as a Business Matchmaker

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